Sunday, October 21, 2007



- said...

Nachos get cold so quickly....

the deviant tart said...


D. James Verburg said...

kissing is not porn! if kissing was porn then I would have been to jail a few more times!

kissing does lead to porn, though.

and actually, the bug world is a mystery to me so maybe it is porn.

it's early yet, (1pm) I'll have to do my research. I'll see what comes uop when I google 'bug porn' and we'll see who wins, missy.

the deviant tart said...

ooh! let me know!

D. James Verburg said...
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D. James Verburg said...

The October 22nd update happily explained more than I ever needed to know about bug porn. Great timing! It's still linked to on the front page.

I hope this clears up that awkward silence problem between us.

We've bonded over bug porn now.

the deviant tart said...

it saddens me that there are few things in life which can bond two people quite like bug porn can.

oh, baby you're so moth-like!